The aim of education is the knowledge, not of facts but of values. Every child is born with an inborn talent often with multiple abilities. Each child is unique and learns a little differently from the next and has different interests. We need to appreciate the uniqueness of each child rather than imposing our unfilled dreams on them. A child is like a clean slate and we help in, write on it.
As teachers we have to bring our children closure to good values. There is a great need to equip children with values of life in order to make them good human beings so that they aspire to become responsible and honest adults of nation.
In my years of teaching, I have learnt that young children are full of imagination and courage. In their world, sky is the limit.Last but not least, it is kids dream to dream and it is our duty to encourage and nurture their dreams by Play way method.Dear Parents, If you want to share anything, please feel free to mail me on or visit at my office.